Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thinking again...

Have been looking at myself in the light of the great writings of people like Gandhi, J.Krishnamurthi,Kabir and have been seeing the meaning when they all said that it begins here within you.
And it was beautifully described by Shabnam Virmani today in her interview in The Hindu-"If these songs of love and compassion do not translate into who one votes for, or the kind of religious politics one believes in, it doesn't make much sense to Shabnam. “That's what I hope will happen. But this journey in which I had hoped to condemn others, has revealed to me the fissures in my own mind, the violence and the dishonesties I was capable of as I construct and defend my ego."

I keep telling my husband and my friends how incapable i find myself when i have to describe what i am feeling at that moment and i feel nice when i can resonate in other people's voices like Shabnam's.But again there is this feeling of why the need to express..I feel that's what Gandhi, J.K. and Kabir are trying to tell..its a journey for every inner work that has to happen look into ourselves..not judge ourselves( which i do most of the time) and feel miserable..but to be gentle on our selves for having all the mind games we are observing all the games of our ego and just accept it..its the most difficult because you want to be perfect..good in our own eyes and when i see the thoughts and feeling which are not pleasant i do go through a can i be like this..but we forget that that is what we are..and accepting it is the only thing that we can improving or getting better because the moment we see drops off.
While writing this at the back of my mind the thought is still there" m i making sense" :)
but i am at least to myself at this moment and that's what i am going to leave it trying to capture trying to make sense..logic..
and its my understanding that this is what J.K. and Kabir said about this moment and being here and now.

living with that for now..
lots of love for myself and for people around me..:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lots of love to you too, Nikki. I think i understand what you are saying . But i think the understanding comes in flashes, here one minute, gone the next.

I only wish, sometimes, such realization came when i was much younger rather than now, after so much has transpired. But, I guess living in the moment is also about accepting this. So there!

Keep up the good work