Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Coming back...

After a long gap i am writing and feel like writing..i feel connected, not to others but somewhere with myself. Being pregnant brings in so many unusual experiences and responsibilities. and the best thing that happened to me was i for hte first time connected to my body my thoughts my feeling so strongly...wow!!
And then of course was this fabulous journey that i am having through the Kabir songs and satsang.
i was very bitter inside(about people,situations,etc..) and the moment i accepted that/realized that it just vanished...there was within me a very peaceful calmness....i still do have my questions and moments of turmoil but it doesn't lead me to become bitter or frustrated. i am able to look at it ,sometimes laugh at it, sometimes just let it be there..the feeling..the turmoil and it helps..
there are days when am singing Kabir songs and am not even reflecting or thinking about what am singing..and there are days when just one stanza gets stuck in my mind and i keep repeating it and it just feels very different..so may thoughts and turmoils because of that one stanza, for instace yesterday i kept saying' mat kar Maya ko ahankar.mat kar kaya ko abhimaan ..kaya dhul ho jaasi...jaise oos ra moti...'
its so beautiful... but u must listen to the whole song to understand..its amazing...

another favourite is
'thara rang mahal mein'

well...a lovely journey thats happening.n will keep sharing about it here...
For now my Baby is demanding for food..so have to go...


1 comment:

N a a nn i said...

I was searching for the translation of "Mat Kar Maya" when i came across your post. It playing as i write.

It is beautiful listening to Kabir, and after a point its always at the back of your head...to come floating back to the surface when you want it to.

Checked the date on your post - think you wrote it exactly a year ago. Hope your baby is growing p healthy and happy.